Learn the what, why and how of Carbon Offsets as part of a Net Zero strategy.

Course Description
This live online course is designed for organisations interested in exploring the purchase of carbon offsets to reduce their emissions and/or reach Net Zero. By the end of this course, you will have a well-developed understanding of carbon offsetting that will allow you to make sound decisions to achieve your objectives. Your carbon offset purchasing strategy should be fully considered, assessed and linked to a range of strategic drivers and targeted organisational objectives. The consequences of a carbon offsets purchase can have ramifications for the entire business so a fully informed process for managing risks and aligning outcomes is needed. Course Program Part 1: Market Based Responses to Climate Change - Climate science and the carbon cycle - Carbon offsets, concepts, history of offsets and the markets - The Clean Development Mechanism - Carbon market players - Carbon credit in compliance markets - Carbon standards in a voluntary market - Types of carbon offsets and carbon permits - Carbon offset project development cycle - Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs), methodologies and issues - Renewable Energy Certificates (RET) and GreenPower Course Program Part 2: A Market Focus - Trading in carbon offsets, pricing, selection and sourcing - Regulatory frameworks & Carbon Pricing Mechanisms (Emissions Trading Scheme or Tax) - Emissions trading schemes, function and impact on liquidity and dynamics - The voluntary market, scope - OTC and exchange traded markets for carbon offsets - The role of registries - Offsets to fit your organisational goals, price, location, type, methodology, carbon standard - Source compliance and voluntary offsets - Retiring carbon offsets Course Participants will receive: - Structured program of delivery that meets strict accredited workforce training standards - Learner guide with course materials case studies, toolkits and assessment tasks - Classroom facilitation from industry experienced instructors - Free access to a commercial grade carbon accounting tool for the duration of the course Course Format: 4 x weekly sessions of 1.5 hours each, online via Zoom Course Prerequisites: None Completion: To receive a Statement of Attainment, a series of workbooks and a formal assessment will need to be completed. This is a Carbon International Training Course by Winton Evers of EcoProfit. If you would like more information about this course, please contact us.
Contact Details
+61 (0) 400 232 200
Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia